Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back to the Future Day: October 21, 2015

Now, my friend Belle had a good point.

As we all saw on Twitter and everywhere else, hoverboard tech has apparently be modernized and is now available from Lexus of all companies. But that doesn't fulfill the promises made by our favorite time travel movie.

Hover-boards in that world are not a luxury item, they are literally as ubiquitous as skateboards. Marty glides around on one, and doesn't treat it as if he is driving a luxury vehicle. The board from Lexus costs something like TEN GRAND! That's hardly something a kid with a job delivering papers could save up for over a summer.

Plus, I haven't seen any of these operating on different surfaces. They are all meant to be run on specially designed ramps, perfectly flat areas, etc. They are hardly as versitile as a skateboard is, from road to sidewalk to hardwood floor if you want to piss off your parents/landlord/mall cops. This is just as bad as the Kickstarter from like a year ago where they quickly sold out, but still haven't really produced an actual hoverboard.

So, for all of us who can't wait for that tech to not only exist, but be affordable for everyone who could purchase a skateboard, our wait continues. Damn you for getting my hopes up, today of all days!

At least the Cubs are still in the playoffs, for now.

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