Friday, January 8, 2016


I'm quite sure none of my readers know this already. I hate structure. I despise being forced to have a schedule. When I started my blog, I told myself that I would write every single day. I needed to post to attract readers and maybe get some of those people to read my book, and then maybe find those people on Twitter, where I could post more blogs. It's a cycle.

Obviously that experiment failed spectacularly right around the holiday season. I realized I was burning myself out, had lost a ton of data on future post ideas and was just generally very blah about the blog. Plus I really like spending the valuable holiday time off with people I enjoy seeing, family, people I can't see most of the year. So, I felt like a tiny break was acceptable, and I hope my readers can forgive me.

Then I realized that I had author interviews and fun guest posts coming up this month and I started to get excited again. I've had a great time working with Mr. Ephe and other upcoming guests! Sharing the space I have here, (hopefully) getting them some new readers or fans, all of that has made it fun again.

I still need a bit of time to get my blog-legs back under me after such an extended break. I will probably be easing back into my blog throughout January. If this blog still exists at this time next year, I plan to do the same sort of thing. Starting in November, I will be tapering off my posts, a few things over the holiday season and then slowly producing more content starting in January until things get back to normal.

I also think the every day posting schedule is kind of failing. Certain things I wanted to do like #TuesdayBluesDay just haven't seemed to catch on. So, without further ado, I give you:

The 2016 Hope Woods

Blog Patch 1.01

  1. I will be taking Thursdays and Sundays off.
  2. I may still do hashtag days but they will likely be limited to once a month.
  3. I'll try to get one interview and one guest post each month.
  4. I will try to maintain #Caturday.

I would love some feedback about these ideas, suggestions, any comments, etc.

Please feel free to email me suggestions for #TuesdayBluesDay or if you would like to Guest post in 2016. If you are someone who does something interesting who wants to be interviewed, please contact me!

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