Tuesday, October 20, 2015

#TuesdayBluesDay 10.20.15 Begin the Beguine

What's Playing at the Flamingo?

This week's #TuesdayBluesDay suggestion came from me!

It's Girl Week, so I wanted to do something a little special.

Please feel free to include your contact information in your submissions, along with the hashtag #TuesdayBluesDay so I know what it's for!
You can submit them:

Here on the blog as a comment!
On Twitter @nonsteader!
Through fan mail on Tumblr!
Email me at nonsteader@gmail.com!

The Scene:

It's just after nine pm on rain-slicked October night in 1938. A couple is on a date for the evening, and they have arrived at the Flamingo Club NYC.

The dance floor is barren and the murmur over drinks is noticeable as an orchestra sets up on stage. Seeming a bit nervous, the band leader makes some last-minute adjustments. As the brass section finishes polishing their hardware, they take their seats. Drinks and conversation seem to lull as an attentive crowd faces the assembled men and instruments.

Our couple is in love and high on champagne. They happen to be standing, their coats and hats already checked, on the edge of the wooden square which extends out from the stage. The band skips the tuning, the front-man steps to the microphone and says in a pleasing tenor, "And now ladies and gentleman, our own version of Cole Porter's Begin the Beguine..."

He turns to cue the orchestra and our young lovers don't waste a moment. Music begins to swirl from the stage to the floor and they are drawn, smiling, out onto the sprung floor.

Let's listen in...

Artist: Artie Shaw, written by Cole Porter

Song: "Begin the Beguine"

Released: Recorded 1938

Chart: US No. 3

Label: Bluebird Records


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